Centrales de Reservas = OTAS
1 Gestión de precios en hotelería: La fijación de tarifas frente al avance de las otas
2 Análise da Percepção dos Consumidores de Meios de Hospedagem em Relação ao Uso das Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)
3. Cooperation and competition between online travel agencies and hotels
4. Website interactivity and brand development of online travel agencies in China: The moderating role of age
5. Hotels to OTAs: “Hands off my rates!” The economic consequences of the rate parity legislative actions in Europe and the US
Tendencias en la oferta turística
20 years of research on virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism context: A text-mining approachCultural capital and online purchase of tourism services
Mobile food ordering apps: An empirical study of the factors affecting customer e-satisfaction and continued intention to reuse
Technological disruptions in services: lessons from tourism and hospitality
Aplicaciones móviles (APP´s)
Mobile Apps and Travel Apps on the tourism journey
Análisis y diseño de app móvil para búsqueda yreservación de habitaciones en Montañita – Santa Elena
Comportamiento de la demanda turística
A tourist typology of online and face-to-face social contact: Destination immersion and tourism encapsulation/decapsulation
A tourism inflex: Generation Z travel experiences
Otros documentos sobre tendencias turísticas
Booking. Las previsiones de viajes para 2020.
Tourism Trends: 13 Opportunities for The Tourism Industry
Shaping the Future of Luxury TravelFuture Traveller Tribes 2030
INEXPLORADO 2019Experiencias disruptivaspara una nueva hoja de rutadel sector turístico
Estudio sectorial einforme de tendencias enla industria del turismo